Thursday 13 November 2014

Friday 14th Children in Need and Sports Coaching

Afternoon everyone!

The children of Abbotswood are very excited, tomorrow we are taking part in Children in Need.  

A big part of any fundraising day is always dress down and we will be asking parents to contribute £1.00 per family.  The theme for this year is ‘Heroes’ but we would like to ask you not to dress children in super hero costumes (and don’t want you to spend a fortune!) so we’d love to encourage some creativity and have some fun! So children can choose to:
·         Design their own super hero pants which can be worn over trousers.
·         Design and wear a super hero cape (Using an old t-shirt or pillow case for example over dress down clothes).
·         Or they can wear something in Pudsey Yellow or with spots on.

The children have done a fantastic job of organising their own stalls which they will run in the afternoon for each other, they include Cake Sales, Penalty shoot outs, Name the teddy, Lucky dips, Apple Bobbing to name a few so please raid your loose change, check the sides of your sofa's, empty out your piggy banks and send the children in with some pennies to spend please!

We are also welcoming back the Matt Le Tissier Natural Coaching team to work with the children on their football skills, and we know after their reaction last week that the children will enjoy this great opportunity.

We had some great feedback from the coaches themselves who said "What a welcome and fun with the children at Abbotswood School, Totton today...I've have NEVER witnessed such a welcome and kindness as we received today...a very special school..."

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